
Attentional biases toward event-related potential in patients with chronic lumbocrural pain

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨慢性腰腿痛患者对痛觉相关信息注意偏向机制研究。 方法 利用Neuroscan32导脑电工作站记录并比较慢性腰腿痛患者及健康对照组各16例对3类词汇(中性、痛觉、威胁)颜色命名的反应时,同时记录其32导联的事件相关电位(event-related potentials,ERP)脑电特征。 结果 慢性腰腿疼痛患者对痛觉相关词汇反应时长于中性词汇;威胁性词汇在两组被试各脑区诱发P200幅值显著高于中性词汇;慢性腰腿痛患者疼痛相关词汇诱发P300幅值显著高于中性词汇。 结论 慢性腰腿痛患者存在对痛觉相关信息的注意偏向,其产生机制可能与情绪控制加工有关;两组对威胁性信息均存在注意偏向可能与情绪的自动加工有关。


    Abstract: Objective To study the mechanism underlying attentional biases toward event-related potential (ERP) in patients chronic lumbocrural pain. Methods Sixteen patients with chronic lumbocrural pain served as an experimental group and 16 healthy subjects served as a control group in this study. Their responses to the neutral, painful and threatening words and the ERP on 32-lead ECG were recorded with a NeuroScan workstation. Results The response time was longer to pain-related words than to neutral words and the P200 amplitude value of threatening words was significantly higher than that of neural words in patients with chronic lumbocrural pain. Conclusion Attentional biases toward pain- related information can be found in patients with chronic lumbocrural pain, which may be related with their emotional control process.


