Diagnosis, treatment and medical evaluation of bronchial asthma in fight aircrew
Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics of bronchial asthma in fight aircrew and discuss relevant principles of clinical aviation medicine. Methods Clinical data about 9 cases who were diagnosed with bronchial asthma admitted to our hospital from 2001 to 2013 were collected, and their clinical characteristics, diagnosis and fight conclusion were analyzed. Results Of the 9 patients, the history of disease ranged from 1 month to 6 years, 2 had a fam ily history of bronchial asthma, 4 suffered from allergic rhinitis, and 1 suffered from sensitization dermatitis. During the fight duties, 8 patients had experienced attacks of asthma. A ll the 9 patients were chronic cases when adm itted into hospital. The severity of the disease was: 2 patients in level 1, 5 patients in level 2, 2 patients in level 3. Of the 9 patients, 7 were diagnosed with bronchial asthma and 2 were diagnosed with cough variant asthma. The disease control level after treatment was: 5 cases were in complete control and qualifed to fy, whereas 4 cases were in part control and temporary grounding. Conclusion The aviation medical evaluation should be decided according to the clinical characteristics of the disease and the recovery condition after proper treatment, the plane species and the fight duty of the aviator should also be taken into account. Waiverd fighters are allowed to use the approved drugs and needed to be followed up.