• 摘要: 纤维肌痛(fibromyalgia,FM)或纤维肌痛综合征是一种临床定义的以广泛的慢性疼痛和各种躯体和心理表现为特征的慢性疾病。尽管FM发病率较高,但由于缺乏特异性实验室诊断指标,在临床中普遍认识不足,极易漏诊和误诊。为进一步推动国内FM的规范化诊断和治疗,中华医学会心身医学分会心身风湿协作学组组织相关专家参考借鉴国内外最新指南,广泛收集循证医学证据,结合临床经验和中国国情,编写了本共识。本共识对FM的诊断和治疗方法进行了规范和细化,并且补充了既往国内FM指南/共识中忽略的共病精神心理疾病和心理治疗等方面的内容,具有较强的临床实用性。


    Abstract: Fibromyalgia (FM) or fibromyalgia syndrome is a clinically defined chronic condition characterized by widespread chronic pain and various somatic and psychological manifestations. Despite the high incidence, due to the lack of specific laboratory diagnostic indicators, it is generally under-recognized in clinical practice, and it is very easy to be missed diagnosis or misdiagnosed. In order to further promote the standardized diagnosis and treatment of FM in China, the Psychosomatics and Rheumatology Cross-subject Group of the Psychosomatics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association invites relevant experts to compile this consensus through referring to the latest guidelines at home and abroad, extensively collecting medical evidence, combining clinical experience and domestic situation. The consensus has strong practicality because it not only standardizes and refines the diagnosis and treatment methods of FM, but also includes the content on comorbidities of mental and psychological disorders and psychotherapy that have been overlooked in previous Chinese FM guidelines or consensuses.


