
Position and role of fever clinic in general hospitals

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨发热门诊在综合性医院中的作用和意义。 方法 通过调研各地发热门诊生存状态,结合我院发热疾病科工作实际进行分析。 结果 2012年我科接诊流感样病例10 614人次,占全年病人总数35.59%,共计报告水痘、手足口病、感染性腹泻、猩红热、艾滋病、梅毒等21种传染病590例,隔离救治重症破伤风、气性坏疽等特殊感染15例,为综合性医院早发现、早诊断、早治疗以及隔离和检疫传染病提供了重要平台。发热门诊的成立和常态化使用能有效控制院内感染的发生,提高发热诊治水平和促进发热学科发展。 结论 发热门诊对于综合性医院传染病筛查、传染病暴发快速处置、完善学科建设具有重要作用和意义。


    Abstract: Objective To study the role of fever clinics in general hospitals. Methods The role of fever clinics in our and other hospitals was analyzed. Results Of the 10 614 influenza-like cases(accounting for 35.59% of the total patients) who visited our department in 2012, 590 were diagnosed with 21 infectious diseases, such as varicella, handfoot-mouth diseases, infectious diarrhea, scarlet, AIDS, and syphilis. Fifteen patients with severe tetanus and gas gangrene were isolated and treated in our department, which provided an important platform for the early discovery, diagnosis, treatment and isolation of infectious diseases, showing that fever clinics can effectively control hospital infections and improve the diagnosis and treatment of fever-related diseases. Conclusion Fever clinics play an important role in screening infectious diseases, rapid control of infectious diseases outbreak, and improving subject construction in general hospitals.


