
Effects and mechanisms of space environment on bacterial responses

  • 摘要: 伴随太空事业的发展,一门新兴的交叉学科-空间微生物学应运而生。与地球相比,太空环境具有微重力、强辐射、超低温、高真空和弱磁场等特殊的环境因素,这些环境因素对宇航员和其携带的细菌势必产生影响。为了促进空间微生物学科的发展,本文对国内外关于太空环境对细菌的影响及其作用机制进行综述。


    Abstract: With the huge development of space industry, an emerging subject named Space Microbiology is coming with the tide of fashion. Compared with the earth's biosphere, there are some special environmental factors in outer space, such as cosmic radiation, microgravity, space vacuum, low intensity magnetic feld, ultralow temperature, thermal extremes and so on. These conditions of outer space present an environmental challenge for not only astronauts but also bacteria. Vast literatures in the effects and mechanisms of space environment on bacterial responses are reviewed in this article in order to promote the development of Space Microbiology.


