
Training of junior nurses in rotation

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨初级职称护士轮转培训的现状和需求,为提高初级职称护士综合素质提供依据。 方法 自行设计问卷,对北京市14家三级医院和4家二级医院的1 183名初级职称护士轮转培训的现状和需求进行问卷调查。 结果 在现状方面,有10.5%的初级职称护士在工作1年后开始轮转,轮转的科室主要以相关科室和大科室为主;轮转基地主要以静脉输液穿刺培训基地为主。在需求方面,有37.3%的初级职称护士认为应工作1年后开始轮转;轮转科室以相关科室、急诊科和手术室为主;轮转基地以静脉输液穿刺培训基地和急救培训基地为主。中专学历的初级职称护士认为大科室和手术室需要轮转(P< 0.05),大专学历的初级职称护士认为急诊科、监护室和心电图室需要轮转(P< 0.05),本科及以上学历的初级职称护士认为相关科室需要轮转(P< 0.05)。大专学历的初级职称护士对基地的培训需求均高于中专和本科及以上学历护士(P< 0.05)。 结论 轮转培训不仅能够提高初级职称护士的知识和技能,而且可以提高自身专业发展,为医院培养多专业的护理人才。


    Abstract: Objective To provide the evidence for improving the general literacy of junior nurses by investigating their demand for training in rotation and the current situation of training in rotation. Methods The current situation of training in rotation and the demand for training in rotation were investigated in 1 183 junior nurses of 14 class A hospitals and 4 class B hospitals in Beijing using the questionnaire we designed. Results Of the investigated junior nurses, 10.5% considered that the training in rotation should begin in related departments and large departments with intravenous transfusion puncture as their main training content after they worked for 1 year, 37.3% demanded that the training in rotation should begin in related departments, emergency department and operating room with intravenous transfusion puncture and frst-aid as their main training contents after they worked for 1 year. The junior nurses with a record of secondary specialized schooling held that they should be trained in large departments and operating room in rotation (P< 0.05), those with a record of higher specialized schooling believed that they should be trained in emergency department, ICU and electrocardiogram department in rotation (P< 0.05), those with a record of regular college or above schooling thought that they should be trained in related departments in rotation (P< 0.05). The demand for training in training bases was greater in junior nurses with a record of secondary specialized schooling than in those with a record of regular college or above schooling (P< 0.05). Conclusion Training in rotation can cultivate nurses with multiple subject backgrounds by improving their know ledge, skill and professional level.


