
Follow-up study of temporarily grounded pilots for modifed high performance fghters

  • 摘要: 目的 明确歼击机飞行员改装体检暂时飞行不合格的原因、最终健康状况和飞行结论。 方法 总结1999年1月-2010 年12月在我院进行高性能战斗机改装体检结论为原机种暂时飞行不合格的67名飞行员病历资料,随访其健康状况和飞行结论,进行综合分析。 结果 改装体检暂时飞行不合格的原因依次为特殊功能检查不合格、外科病症、内科病症、神经精神科病症、眼科病症、耳鼻咽喉科病症;最终结论为飞行合格者47例(10例改装合格、另37例原机种飞行合格),飞行不合格者20例(2例因新发病症、18例因暂时飞行不合格的病症而停飞)。 结论 改装体检暂时飞行不合格的主要原因为特殊功能问题;《高性能歼击机飞行员体格要求》是符合实际的,而现行的飞行人员年度大体检制度有修改的必要。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the reasons, fnal health state and fight conclusion in pilots for modifed high performance fghters who were temporarily grounded by physical examination. Methods Clinical data about 67 pilots who were temporarily unqualified for flying modified high performance fighters after examination were analyzed. Results The causes of temporarily grounding were poor special functions, surgical disorders, medical disorders, neuropsychologic disorders, ophthalmologic disorders, otorhinolaryngologic disorders, respectively; Forty-seven pilots were qualifed (10 cases were qualifed to new fghter, and the other 37 pilots were qualifed to the former fghter), and 20 pilots were permanently grounded (2 cases by new diseases, and the other 18 pilots by former diseases) after physical examination. Conclusion The main reason of temporarily grounding in physical examination of pilots for modifed high performance fghters is the special function problem. "Requirement of physical constitution for pilots of high performance fghter aircraft" refects the reality, and the system of annual physical examination of pilots needs to be revised.


