
Clinical characteristics of 5 patients with Ebola hemorrhagic fever

  • 摘要: 目的 通过分析5例利比里亚埃搏拉出血热患者的临床特点,提高对埃博拉的认识以达到早期治愈目的。 方法 收集利比里亚中国埃博拉治疗中心2015年1-3月确诊的5例埃博拉出血热患者的临床资料,包括病史、体征、治疗等并进行分析、总结。 结果 共收治男性2例,女性3例,平均年龄46岁, 治疗主要采取补充水电解质、降低胃肠道反应、控制发热等对症支持措施。最终治愈3例,死亡2例。 结论 埃博拉出血热临床表现特异性差,单靠临床特征诊断困难,需结合实验室检查进行早期诊断。在特殊地域及环境,对于有发热表现的患者应结合实验室检查予以诊断及治疗。


    Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of 5 cases with Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Liberia, and improve the understanding of Ebola virus disease. Methods Clinical data about 5 cases with confrmed Ebola hemorrhagic fever admitted to Chinese ETU in Liberia from January to March in 2015, including medical history, signs and treatment, were analyzed. Results There were 2 male patients and 3 female patients with an average age of 46. Treatments were taken, including supplement of water electrolyte, relieve gastrointestinal reaction relief and fever control. Of the 5 cases, 3 cases were treated and 2 cases died. Conclusion The clinical manifestation of Ebola hemorrhagic fever has no specificity, and the diagnosis is rather difficult with clinical manifestation alone, laboratory examination should be taken for early diagnosis. Patients in special geography or environment who show fever performance should be diagnosed and treated timely combining with laboratory examination.


