
Diagnosis and treatments of one patient with severe Ebola virus disease

  • 摘要: 目的 报告1例西非成人重症埃博拉病毒病的诊治。 方法 2015年2月在西非利比里亚收治1例确诊重症埃博拉病毒病成人男性患者,56岁,发病第3天送至利比里亚的中国埃博拉治疗中心,第4天确诊并接受对症支持治疗,包括静脉输液、肠内营养、抗菌药物、退热和止泻等。 结果 通过常规的对症支持治疗,因病情严重,入院7 d后死亡。 结论 治疗重症埃博拉病毒病患者,需要借助现代科技的力量,动用危重症监测及治疗手段,才能真正达到挽救生命的目的。


    Abstract: Objective To summarize the experience of treatment in one adult patient with Ebola virus disease in western Africa. Methods A 56-year old male health worker, who had contacted a patient with Ebola virus disease in local, was sent to the China Ebola Treatment Unit, Liberia, on day 3 after symptom onset. The patient was diagnosed as confrmed Ebola virus disease on day 4 and received supportive treatment, including intravenous fuid infusion, enteral nutrition, antibiotics, pyretolysis, antidiarrheal. Results The patient died after 7-day routine supportive treatment. Conclusion This case shows the challenges in the treatment of severe Ebola virus disease and suggests that we need to use modern technology, critical monitoring and therapy to save lives of patients with severe infectious disease.


