
A novel technique for airway cricothyroid membrane puncture directed tracheostomy: Preliminary experiment in minipigs

  • 摘要: 目的 介绍环甲膜穿刺反向引导气管切开术(cricothyroid membrane puncture directed tracheostomy,CMPDT)及其在建立人工气道中的应用。 方法 将6只小型猪麻醉后建立低氧血症模型。应用环甲膜穿刺反向引导气管切开术建立人工气道,分别记录手术开始至通气供氧和手术开始至气管插管的手术时间,监测并记录血氧饱和度等多参数心电监护仪指标,利用纤维支气管镜观察气管内壁损伤等术中并发症。术后常规饲养小型猪1年,观察并记录术后近期和远期并发症。 结果 所有小型猪(6/6)均快速通气并成功建立人工气道,从实验开始至成功通气的时间为(18±5) s,从实验开始至成功插管的时间为(174±34) s。1只中量出血;1只发生气管内壁的轻微划伤,伤口表浅,长度约2 mm,未见术后近期和远期并发症。 结论 动物实验证实CMPDT是一项快速、安全、有效的气管切开技术,有望成为一项新的外科人工气道技术。


    Abstract: Objective To introduce a novel technique for tracheostomy: cricothyroid membrane puncture directed tracheostomy CMPDT) and its application in airway establishment. Methods Six minipigs were endotracheal intubated after anesthesia. Tracheal tube was blocked deliberately to simulate a hypoxia situation. CMPDT was used to establish airway when SpO2decreased o 80%. Operation time from start (t0) to successful ventilation (t1) and to successful intubation via tracheal opening (t2) was ecorded. SpO2and other vital signs including ECG, BP and HR were monitored by multi-functional ECG monitor. Intraoperative omplications like tracheal wall injury were observed via fberobronchoscopy. The minipigs were raised for 1 year after operation, nd the short-term and long-term postoperative complications were also recorded. Results Quick ventilation and successful definite airway were achieved using CMPDT technique in all minipigs. The operation time from t0to t1and t0to t2was 18±5 s and 174±34, respectively. No vital signs were violently fuctuated except SpO2increased continually since ventilation. Five minipigs experienced minor bleeding and 1 minipig went through medium bleeding without surgical treatment. No other complications occurred, while 1 minipig's tracheal wall was slightly scratched by dilatational forceps during the dilating procedure. Conclusion The animal experiment shows that CMPDT is a fast, safe and effective tracheostomy technique in minipigs, which can be an optional choice for tracheostomy.


