
Advances in rehabilitation treatment for neurogenic bladder after stroke

  • 摘要: 神经源性膀胱是脑卒中后常见的并发症之一,尽快重建脑卒中患者的膀胱功能是康复治疗中一项重要内容。本文对近年来脑卒中后神经源性膀胱康复治疗的研究成果进行了概述,保守治疗仍然作为首选治疗方法,其中行为疗法、膀胱功能训练、导尿、药物治疗等是传统的治疗方法,而神经电刺激、肉毒素注射是近年来研究较多的具有发展前景的治疗方法。


    Abstract: Neurogenic bladder is one of the most common complications after stroke. Reconstructing the function of bladder in patients with stroke as soon as possible is an important part of rehabilitation therapy. This paper summarizes recent research results about stroke after neurogenic bladder rehabilitation, which finds out that conservative treatment is still used as the preferred method of treatment, including behavioral therapy, bladder function training, catheterization traditional treatments, and medication. While, electrical nerve stimulation, botulinum toxin injection are the most promising methods during the development of this research in recent years.


