
Advances in exercise-induced acute kidney injury

  • 摘要: 运动对于一个人保持身体的良好状态和健康有非常重要的意义,但是不科学、高强度的运动造成的急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)却没有引起大家的重视。虽然这种损伤大部分可逆,但是在竞技运动员以及军事参训人员中,这些病理改变往往预示或进展为更加严重的急性肾病变。本文就运动性急性肾损伤的发病机制及早期诊断研究进展进行综述,旨在引起临床重视,指导诊疗。


    Abstract: Sport is beneficial to human health which has deeply rooted in the hearts of people, however, they hardly aware that unscientific high intensity exercise can lead to acute kidney injury. Although most of the injury is reversible, competitive athletes and military trainers with these derangements will be exposed to more serious acute renal pathology. This article reviews some advances in the pathogenesis, early diagnosis of exercise induced acute kidney injury, in order to draw attention of clinicians and provide guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment.


