
Overview and prospect of uterus transplantation

  • 摘要: 将捐赠者子宫取出植入受赠者体内,确保植入子宫各项功能正常后将体外受精的胚胎通过阴道移植到新子宫,待胎儿发育成熟采用剖腹产使其降生,这个过程就是子宫移植手术。全世界约有8%的适龄生育女性因为子宫问题无法孕育下一代,目前一些国家和地区的法律禁止代孕,子宫移植为这类患者送来了福音。本文就子宫移植的研究现状、可行性与展望进行综述。


    Abstract: The uterine transplantation is a surgical procedure whereby a healthy uterus is transplanted into a female organism o which the uterus is absent or diseased. As part of normal mammalian sexual reproduction, a diseased or absent uterus does not allow normal embryonic implantation, which effectively renders the female infertile. This phenomenon is known as absolute uterine facto infertility (AUFI). There are about 8% of women in reproductive age who are suffering from AUFI in the world, and up to now surrogacy is still prohibited by laws in some countries. Uterine transplantation is a potential treatment for this form of infertility. Thi paper overviews the status quo and prospects of uterus transplantation.


