
Advances in surgical approach to posterolateral condyle fracture of tibial plateau

  • 摘要: 胫骨平台后外侧髁骨折是一种比较特殊的胫骨平台骨折类型。由于膝关节后外侧骨折块位置深且隐蔽,后外侧局部解剖结构复杂,加之邻近有腓骨阻挡,选用何种手术入路显露最佳、何种固定方法最确切,至今国内外尚未达成共识。本文就治疗胫骨平台后外侧髁的后正中入路、截腓骨的后外侧入路、经膝关节后外侧入路等手术入路的进展进行综述,为临床治疗提供参考。


    Abstract: The posterolateral condyle fracture of tibial plateau is a very special type of tibial plateau fracture. Owing to the complexity of anatomy in lateral part of knee joint and the larvaceous location of the fracture with the adjacent fibula blocked, it has not reached a concensus about the best surgical approach and accurate fixing method worldwide. This review provides strategy for clinical treatment concentrating on the progress of surgical approach to posterior lateral condyle of tibial plateau, which contains posterior median approach, fibular osteotomy of posterolateral approach, posterolateral approach through knee etc.


