Mitochondrial changes and energy metabolism dysfunction in mechanisms of ageingassociated osteoarthritis
摘要: 骨性关节炎发病原因众多,其中至关重要的因素是衰老相关的退变。本文主要针对关节软骨中能量代谢障碍和细胞外基质改变进行综述,这些变化导致了炎症反应,加速分解代谢,并伴随关节组织的退变,最终促进骨性关节炎的进展。Abstract: Ageing-associated changes are signifcant factors in the development of osteoarthritis (OA), and a number of studies have indicated potential mechanisms of ageing-associated OA. Our review aims at energy metabolism and changes in the extracellular matrix of articular catilage, which can cause the infammatory reaction, promote the catabolism and degeneration of joint tissue, and fnally resulte in OA.