Ef ficacy and safety of temozolomide in brain metastases
摘要: 癌细胞脑转移的发生标志着肿瘤终末阶段,预后不容乐观。由于血脑屏障的隔离,系统性化疗药物难以进入脑脊液发挥抗肿瘤活性。替莫唑胺是新型口服烷化剂,可以穿透血脑屏障,有效发挥抗肿瘤作用。替莫唑胺联合全脑放疗能够有效提高客观缓解率,并延长脑转移患者生存时间。Abstract: Brain metastasis (BMs) suggests end stage of cancer and predicts poor prognosis.Because of blood-brain barrier (BBB), chemotherapy agents can not achieve effective concentrations in cerebro-spinal fiuid (CSF).Temozolomide (TMZ) is a new oral alkylating agent which can easily cross the BBB and play anti-cancer role effectively.Combination of whole brain radiotherapy(WBRT) and TMZ can improve the objective response rate (ORR) and prolong the survival of patients with BMs signi ficantly.