
Seasonality and route of admission for inpatients with socialized medicine coverage in Chinese PLA General Hospital from 2013 to 2015

  • 摘要: 目的 研究我院公费医疗患者不同季节、不同收容途径下的住院量、住院热点科室分布,提高公费医疗患者住院管理水平。 方法 对我院2013 - 2015年12 236例次公费医疗患者住院病历数据进行回顾性研究,包括患者住院日期、住院科室、接诊及入院诊断、入院方式等。 结果 我院公费医疗患者的住院科室中呼吸科、心内科、骨科、肿瘤科、产科、消化内科等占比较大,呼吸科和心内科两个科室占全院住院量的30%以上。第二季度、第四季度是我院公费医疗患者住院小高峰,第三季度住院量最低。第一季度、第四季度是呼吸科、心内科、消化科住院小高峰,第二季度、第三季度是骨科、肿瘤科、产科住院小高峰。全院公费医疗总住院量中门诊收住院占63.55%,远远高于急诊收入院量,但产科、心内科、神经内科、消化内科的急诊住院量均超过其科室总住院量的50%。 结论 呼吸科、心内科、骨科、肿瘤科、产科、消化内科是公费医疗患者收容数量最多的科室,第二、第四季度是住院的高峰期。


    Abstract: Objective To study the seasonality and route of admission for inpatients with socialized medicine coverage in Chinese PLA General Hospital, and improve the hospital performance. Methods Altogether 12 236 inpatients with socialized medicine coverage from 2013 to 2015 were included in this study, and their medical data were analyzed retrospectively. Results The inpatient volumes of different departments varied obviously. Respiratory, cardiology, orthopedics, oncology, obstetrics, gastroenterology departments ranked the top 6 in patient volume ranking, and respiratory department and cardiology department accounted for 30% of the total volume of the hospital. The inpatient volumes in summer season or winter season were higher than those in the other two seasons, and seasonality of inpatient admissions also varied among different departments. For respiratory, cardiology, and gastroenterology departments, admission volumes peaked in spring and winter seasons, whereas they peaked in summer and autumn seasons in orthopedics, oncology and obstetrics departments. Outpatient route accounted for 63.55% of the total volume of in patients with socialized medicine coverage. However, for obstetrics, cardiology, neurology and gastroenterology departments, emergency admission was the main route. Conclusion Understanding the seasonality, department variation and routes of hospital admission for inpatients with socialized medicine coverage can help us improve the health care planning.


