
Primary ciliary dyskinesia

  • 摘要: 原发性纤毛运动障碍(primary ciliary dyskinesia,PCD)是纤毛结构或功能缺陷导致的常染色体隐性遗传病。临床表现多样,包括支气管扩张、鼻窦炎、中耳炎、内脏转位、不孕不育等。目前没有诊断的金标准,对于临床怀疑原发性纤毛运动障碍的病人,有多种检查方法辅助诊断,如检测鼻呼出气一氧化氮含量,利用高速视频显微成像分析纤毛运动模式,使用透射电镜观察纤毛超微结构,基因检测等。


    Abstract: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disease in which defects of ciliary ultrastructure and malfunction lead to multi-system manifestations including bronchiectasis, sinusitis, otitis media, situs inversus, infertility and so on. Although there is no gold standard for diagnosis of PCD, in most cases, the diagnosis of PCD requires a concordant clinical phenotype and a series of tests such as nasal nitric oxide to be distinctly low, or high-speed video microscopy to reveal abnormal ciliary beat pattern or transmission electron microscopy to define ciliary ultrastructural defects and so on.


