
Effect of intraocular pressure fluctuation on intraocular tissue during phacoemulsification

  • 摘要: 研究发现超声乳化白内障摘除术中存在一过性的眼压升高,术中多种因素会影响眼压的水平。眼压升高会导致眼灌注压降低、血流量减少、视网膜功能受损,并且可能损伤角膜内皮并引起前房炎症反应。眼压对眼内组织的影响值得关注。本文就超声乳化白内障摘除术中眼压的波动及其对眼内组织影响的研究做一简要综述,以期为临床工作提供参考。


    Abstract: Transient elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) can be resulted from various factors during phacoemulsification, which is worthy of attention. Several studies have found that the elevated IOP can lead to a significant reduction in ocular perfusion pressure(OPP) and impairment of retinal function. Furthermore, decreased corneal endothelium density and inflammatory of anterior chamber can also be observed. Here, we summarize the correlation between fluctuated IOP and ocular functions in order to provide evidence for the clinical practice in the future.


