
Application of neuroelectrophysiological monitoring in hemifacial decompression of hemifacial spasm

  • 摘要: 面肌痉挛是由于面神经根部出脑干区(root exit zone,REZ)被微血管压迫后,神经表现出异常兴奋状态,以阵发性抽搐为主要症状。微血管减压术是治疗面肌痉挛的常用方法,有助于消除局部血管压迫,恢复面部神经的功能。微血管减压术治疗面肌痉挛的关键是责任血管的辨别,分开压迫神经根部的责任血管,解除其对面神经的压迫。神经电生理监测通过识别责任血管、记录面神经支配肌肉判断减压是否到位等功能配合微血管减压术用于治疗面肌痉挛效果显著。本文就异常肌反应(abnormal muscle response,AMR)、肌电图(electromyogram,EMG)、异常肌反应和Z-L反应(Z-L response,ZLR)联合作用等神经电生理监测手段应用于面肌痉挛微血管减压术时的疗效及术后并发症进行阐述。


    Abstract: Facial spasm is caused by abnormal excitability of nerves due to microvessel compression in the facial nerve root exit zone with paroxysmal convulsion as the main symptom. Microvascular decompression is a common method for the treatment of hemifacial spasm, which helps to eliminate local vascular compression and restore facial nerve function. The key of microvascular decompression is to identify the responsible blood vessels, separate the responsible blood vessels from the nerve root and relieve the compression. Neuroelectrophysiological monitoring can identify the responsible blood vessels, record EMG activity to determine facial nerve outcome after decompression, which improves efficacy of microvascular decompression for the treatment of hemifacial spasm. In this review, the role of neurophysiological monitoring methods including abnormal muscle response (AMR), electromyogram (EMG), abnormal muscle response (AMR) and ZL response (ZLR response) in microvascular decompression for the treatment of hemifacial spasm and the postoperative complications are described.


