
Research advances in mechanisms of epilepsy treatment

  • 摘要: 癫痫是最常见的神经系统疾病之一,诱发癫痫发作的因素众多,兴奋/抑制调节失衡、神经炎症和神经退行性改变可能是癫痫的触发因素。现有的抗癫痫药物多作用于离子通道,是防止癫痫发作的症状性治疗,而非实质意义上的抗癫痫或预防癫痫疾病的治疗。本文对近几年来针对癫痫发生机制的研究,尤其是侧重疾病缓解、治愈或预防的药理学基础研究进行归纳总结。


    Abstract: Epilepsy is one of the most commonly seen neurological disorders. Acute seizures can be induced by many factors, such as loss of balance between excitatory/inhibitory system, neuroinflammation and degeneration of neurosystem. Currently, most of the traditional antiepileptic drugs functioning on ion channels are actually working to prevent seizures rather than cure epilepsy thoroughly. Based on a detail reviewing of the latest progress on epileptogenesis, we focus on the most promising directions of treatment targeting on the underlying mechanisms of disease modification and prevention, so as to embrace the coming new era of comprehensive treatment for epilepsy.


