
Development and Prospects of Medical Equipment for Disaster Rescue

  • 摘要:
    摘要:灾害救援医学装备是在重大灾害事故现场实现伤员快速搜救、精准治疗和高效转运的关键手段之一。随着智能传 感、自主导航和物联网等技术的发展,便携化、集成化、智能化是灾害救援医学装备未来的发展方向。如何在极端复杂恶 劣的救援现场发挥救援装备的最大性能,实现人、装备与环境的无缝信息共享和深度交互融合,从而最大程度的救治伤员 挽救生命是灾害救援医学的重要课题。本文从灾害救援医学装备的发展现状、关键技术、存在的问题等方面进行论述,阐 述了灾害救援医学装备的未来发展方向和发展建议。


    Abstract: Medical equipment for disaster rescue is one of the key solutions to achieve rapid search and rescue, precise treatment, and efficient transportation of the injured at the spot of a major disaster. Development of technologies such as intelligent sensing, autonomous navigation, and the Internet of Things provide medical equipment for disaster rescue with future development directions, i.e., portability, integration, and intelligence. A critical issue in disaster rescue medicine is maximizing the performance of medical equipment in extremely complex and harsh rescue environments. This involves achieving seamless information sharing and deep interactive integration among personnel, equipment, and the surrounding environment, ultimately aiming to rescue the injured and save lives to the greatest extent possible. Accordingly, this study discussed the development status, key technologies, and existing problems of medical equipment for disaster rescue. On this basis, this study further elaborated the future development direction and suggestions on medical equipment for disaster rescue.


