内镜下逆行胰胆管造影术诊治胆胰疾病1 378例回顾分析

Application of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in diagnosis and treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases: A retrospective analysis of 1 378 patients

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨内镜下逆行胰胆管造影术(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,ERCP)在诊治胆胰疾病中的价值。 方法 对2003年9月-2011年2月我科应用ERCP诊治的1 378例病例资料进行回顾性分析。 结果 治疗性ERCP由2003年的13例(13.6%)上升到2011年的236例(86.7%)。1 378例中,造影成功率93.32%;治疗性ERCP 693例次,占总ERCP例次的50.29%。并发出血占4.09%,术后胰腺炎占8.54%。 结论 ERCP是胆胰疾病的重要诊治手段,特别是对于无手术机会的恶性胆胰管梗阻患者,能延长生存期,改善生活质量;对于肝移植术后并发症的治疗,能避免再次移植。


    Abstract: Objective To study the application of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) in diagnosis and treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases. Methods Clinical data about 1 378 patients diagnosed and treated in our department from September 2003 to February 2011 were retrospectively analyzed. Results The number of patients who underwent therapeutic ERCP increased from 13(13.6%) in 2003 to 236(86.7%) in 2011.The success rate of radiography was 93.32% in the 1 378 patients.Of these patients,693 received therapeutic ERCP,accounting for 50.29% of the total ERCP times.Bleeding occurred in 4.09% of the patients during ERCP and pancreatitis occurred in 8.54% of the patients after ERCP. Conclusion ERSP is an important procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases as well as complications after liver transplantation,especially for those with malignant bile duct obstruction who have lost their chance of operation,and can prolong their life and improve their quality of life.


