Value of bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index and mini-bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index for diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis
摘要: 目的 评价Bath强直性脊柱炎病情活动指标(bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index,BASDAI)和改良的BASDAI即mini-BASDAI在评价无外周关节受累的强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)的病情活动度时的价值。 方法 根据是否有外周关节受累,将患者分为P+组(有外周关节受累)和P-组(无外周关节受累)。采用BASDAI对患者的疾病活动度进行评价,然后再省略BASDAI中的第3、4个问题计算出mini-BASDAI。 结果 本研究共纳入264例AS患者。有P+组的患者其各项炎症指标(BASDAI、miniBASDAI、Bath强直性脊柱炎功能指数(bath ankylosing spondylitis functional index,BASFI)、Bath强直性脊柱炎计量指数(bath ankylosing spondylitis metrology index,BASMI)、血沉、C-反应蛋白)均显著高于P-组患者。两组mini-BASDAI值均高于BASDAI,但两者与其他疾病活动度评价指标之间的相关性并无差异,如医生总体评价与BSADAI的相关系数为0.703,与mini-BASDAI的相关系数为0.696,其余指标间的相关性也基本相同。 结论 在评价无外周关节受累的AS患者病情活动度时,mini-BASDAI并不优于BASDAI;BASDAI仍然是最有效的评价工具。Abstract: Objective To assess the value of bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index(BASDAI) and mini-BASDAI for diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis(AS). Methods Patients with AS were divided into "P+" group and "P-" group according to the involvement of their peripheral joints.BASDAI was used to assess the disease activity of patients with ankylosing spondylitis and mini-BASDAI was calculated by omitting questions 3 and 4 in BASDAI. Results A total of 264 AS patients were included in this study.The BASDAI,mini-BASDAI,BASFI,BASMI,ESR,and CRP were significantly higher in "P+" group than in "P-" group.The value of mini-BASDAI was higher than that of BASDAI in both groups.However,no significant difference was found in other markers of disease activity between the two groups. Conclusion Mini-BASDAI is not advantageous to BASDAI in assessing disease activity of patients without involvement of peripheral joints and BASDAI remains a valid indication.