
Intra-operative nursing for children with congenital heart disease during interventional closure under general anesthesia

  • 摘要: 目的 探索先心病患儿全麻下介入治疗术中护理配合。 方法 本组入选30例患儿,男13例、女17例,年龄1-8(2±3.2)岁,其中VSD(室间隔缺损)封堵术12例;ASD(房间隔缺损)封堵术7例;PDA(动脉导管未闭)封堵术8例;肺动脉瓣狭窄球囊扩张3例。经临床体检,超声心动图(UCG)确诊,在X线和超声引导下行先心病介入治疗术,术中严密心电监护,备齐各种抢救药品、器械和特殊导管,防止和杜绝各种并发症发生。 结果 手术成功率100%,术中无并发症。 结论 术中护士精心护理、熟练配合和严密监护对先心病患儿在全麻下行介入治疗手术成功有重要作用。


    Abstract: Objective To study the intra-operative nursing for children with congenital heart disease(CHD) during interventional closure under general anesthesia. Methods Of the 30 children with CHD(13 males,17 females) at the age of 1-8 years(2±3.2 years) enrolled in this study,12 underwent ventricular septal defect closure,7 atrial septal defect closure,8 patent ductus arteriosus closure,and 3 pulmonary valve stenosis valvoplasty under the guidance of X-ray and UCG.The patients were closely monitored by ECG during operation in order to prevent complications. Results The operation was a 100% success with no complications occurred. Conclusion Careful intra-operative care,skilled collaboration and close monitoring play important role in the success of operation for children with CHD under general anesthesia.


