
Retrieval of scientific and technological reports on military aviation medicine and its reference value

  • 摘要: 目的 针对军事航空医学科技报告的检索结果进行分析,探讨科技报告的参考价值。 方法 利用美国科技报告数据库(NTIS),使用航空医学专业主题词与关键词进行检索,检出近年来公开发行的行业专题报告(美国AD\NASA报告),并对其进行应用性评估。 结果 检出军事航空医学科技报告231篇,其中技术报告66篇,图书出版物25部,期刊论文72篇,会议论文31篇,学位论文17篇,手册11部,索引与通报9篇;报告内容有飞行人员选拔、飞行人员能力测试、生理学实验、流行病学调查、航空病研究、病例报告及索引通报类等。 结论 科技报告对于获取军事航空医学科研信息源、掌握科研的技术路线、方法以及新技术的应用等参考价值大。


    Abstract: Objective To study the reference value of retrieved scientific and technical reports on military aviation medicine. Methods Public US AD/NASA reports in recent years were retrieved from NTIS database using the subject headings and Key wordsof aviation medicine.Their applicability was assessed. Results Of the 231 reports retrieved,66 were technical reports,25 were professional books,72 were journal papers,31 were academic conference papers,17 were dissertations,11 were handbooks,9 were indexes and bulletins.The contents of reports included pilot selection,pilot performance testing,physiology experiments,epidemiological investigations,aviation disease studies,case reports,indexes and bibliographies. Conclusion Scientific and technical reports are of great reference value for the access to information resources of military aviation medicine and keeping abreast of scientific research approaches,methods,and application of new technologies.


