
Uterine artery chemotherapy and embolization in combination with drugs for induction of labor in placenta previa mid-pregnancy

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨子宫动脉化疗栓塞术(uterine artery chemotherapy and embolization,UACE)联合米非司酮及米索前列醇在前置胎盘中期引产中的临床疗效。 方法 对5例中期妊娠合并前置胎盘患者行选择性双侧子宫动脉化疗栓塞术+米非司酮及米索前列醇引产。 结果 5例患者总产程87-411(223.4±173.4) min;排胎时间为31.58-49.17(32.32±17.7) h;产时及产后2h出血量100-300(144±87) ml。 结论 子宫动脉化疗栓塞术联合米非司酮及米索前列醇用于前置胎盘中期引产疗效确切,出血量及并发症少,安全可靠。


    Abstract: Objective To study the clinical efficiency of uterine artery chemotherapy and embolization(UACE) in combination with mifepristone and misoprostol for induction of labor in placenta previa mid-pregnancy. Methods Five placenta previa mid-pregnant women underwent UACE in combination with mifepristone and misoprostol for induction of labor. Results The total labor time of the 5 women was 87-411(223.4±173.4)min.The discharge time of fetus was 31.58-49.17(32.32±17.7)h.The total blood loss was 100-300(144±87)ml during and after labor. Conclusion UACE in combination with drugs is a safe and effective method for the induction of labor in placenta previa mid-pregnancy with few complications and less blood loss.


