
Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with transurethral plasma kinetic enucleation of prostate

  • 摘要: 目的 对比白细胞介素6(interleukin-6,IL-6)和C反应蛋白(C reactive protein,CRP)在不同术式前后的变化,进而评价经尿道前列腺等离子剜除术(transurethral plasma kinetic enucleation of prostate,TUPKEP)治疗前列腺增生(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH)的可行性。 方法 64例良性前列腺增生患者分别行经尿道前列腺汽化电切术(transurethral vapor-resection of the prostate,TUVP组)16例、经尿道前列腺等离子剜除术(TUPKEP组)48例,尿道前列腺等离子剜除术采用英国Gyrus-PKS系统。采用酶联免疫吸附法测定IL-6和CRP在两组患者手术前2h、术后24h、48h血清中的水平。 结果 1)血清IL-6水平术前两组无统计学差异(P>0.05),术后均明显高于术前(P<0.05);术后24h TUVP组(3.86±1.42)μg/L、TUPKEP组(2.27±1.15)μg/L (P<0.05);48h TUVP组(1.07±1.03)μg/L、TUPKEP组(0.81±1.24)(P<0.05)。2)血清CRP水平术前两组无统计学差异(P>0.05),术后均明显高于术前(P<0.05);术后24h TUVP组(41.54±12.88) mg/L、TUPKEP组(30.29±10.14) mg/L (P<0.05),48h TUVP组(72.57±16.85) mg/L、TUPKEP组(58.29±11.56)(P<0.05)。 结论 相对于TUVP,TUPKEP创伤较小,更适合应用于治疗良性前列腺增生。


    Abstract: Objective To assess the feasibility of transurethral plasma kinetic enucleation of prostate(TUPKEP) for benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) by comparing changes in interleukin-6(IL-6) and C reactive protein(CRP) before and after different surgical procedures. Methods Sixty-four patients with BPH were included in this study.Of these patients,16 who underwent transurethral vapor-resection of the prostate(TUVP) served as TUVP group and 48 who underwent TUPKEP with the British Gyrus-PKS system served as TUPKEP.Their serum IL-6 and CRP levels were measured 2h before operation and 24 and 48h after operation by ELISA. Results No significant difference was found in serum IL-6 level between the two groups before operation(P>0.05).However,the serum IL-6 level was significantly higher in the patients after operation than before operation(P<0.05).The serum IL-6 level was significantly higher in TUVP group than in TUPKEP group 24 and 48h after operation((3.86±1.42)μg/L vs(2.27±1.15)μg/L,(1.07±1.03)μg/L vs(0.81±1.24)μg/L,P<0.05).No significant difference was found in serum CRP level in the patients before operation(P>0.05).However,the serum CRP level was significantly higher in the patients after operation than before operation(P<0.05).The serum CRP level was significantly higher in the TUVP group than in the TUPKEP group 24 and 48 h after operation((41.54±12.88)mg/L vs(30.29±10.14)mg/L,(72.57±16.85)mg/L vs(58.29±11.56)mg/L,P<0.05). Conclusion TUPKEP is more suitable than TUVP to BPH with less damages.


