
Research advances in central nervous remodeling due to peripheral skeletal muscle diseases

  • 摘要: 外周骨骼肌肉疾病是常见的慢性病,主要涉及全身或局部的骨骼、肌肉或结缔组织,常引起局部疼痛、酸胀或运动障碍。感觉输入异常或运动模式改变,均会引起中枢神经的适应性改变,发生中枢神经重塑,而中枢神经重塑又可能进一步造成运动系统适应性不良和感觉异常。现有研究通过多模态神经影像学、脑电图、脑磁图、功能近红外血氧分析等方法,发现外周骨骼肌肉疾病患者的疼痛/情绪调节相关脑区或通路、运动感觉皮质、平衡相关脑区、任务执行网络、默认网络等发生了重塑改变;也有学者分析了细胞层面的重塑机制,认为可能是突触数量或突触连接的改变造成了重塑。本文重点介绍外周骨骼肌肉疾病的发生发展及转归与中枢神经重塑的关系。


    Abstract: Skeletomuscular disorders, a common chronic disease, involve the bones, muscles or connective tissues, often causing localized pain, soreness or movement disorders. Abnormal sensory inputs or altered motor patterns often cause adaptive changes in the central nervous system (CNS), called CNS remodeling. In turn, CNS remodeling may further cause maladaptation of the motor system and sensory deficits. Current studies have applied multimodal neuroimaging, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, and functional near-infrared spectroscopy to reveal that patients with skeletomuscular disorders have altered remodeling in pain/emotion-related brain regions or pathways, motor cortex, sensory cortex, balance-related brain regions, task execution networks, and default networks. Some studies have also explored the mechanism of CNS remodeling at the cellular level, suggesting that alterations in the number of synapses or synaptic connections may be responsible for the remodeling. This paper focuses on the development and regression of skeletomuscular disorders and central remodeling.


